
New Years Resolutions

January 18, 2010

1. Present at three conferences with three different papers.
2. If Film Threat decides to be permanently extinct, find another reliable internet magazine to write for.
3. Lose at least 15 pounds. A pretty superficial goal, I know, but in the past three years or so my metabolism has dropped dramatically (or it’s a thyroid problem, but who knows? what with not having insurance and all.) and I’ve gotten to a point where I’m not physically happy with myself. It will probably take a dramatic kind of change (I’m thinking of trying my dad’s vegan/no preservatives thing) and I’m not looking forward to that. I like to cook. I like to eat. Losing weight is bullshit.
4. Practice the piano. Ideally every day, but at least a few hours a week.
5. Make this blog and Dear Jesus into something I’m proud of. Start some weekly/monthly series. Make a new banner. Interviews, art, interesting links.

6. Hike in Moab.
7. Organize a photo walk or two. (Part of this goal will be getting new batteries for my camera, I guess)
8. Submit an article to a children’s magazine.
9. Spend some time making art that I don’t have to follow from a pattern.
10. Make this house some curtains.
11. Learn to knit.
12. Take Scott camping up at my parents’ cabin.
13. Visit the animal sanctuary  in Kanab.
14.  Create an herb garden.
15. Read 100 books.


  1. Girlfriend. I want to learn to knit so bad. I’ve been talking about it since the end of october. Let’s do it!

  2. we should interview each other for dear jesus
    and then interview jesus

  3. and by jesus i mean rambo

  4. I think that’s a great idea. How do we get in touch with Rambo?

  5. i’m not sure yet. but we could just fake it, since it would be a personal rambo/jesus. i’m working on two more rambo posts (one about rambo 3 and one about rambo 2 the book). the book really steps up the christ-references. i figure, after i finish the book, i could speak for rambo/jesus.

    but we can worry about that later. what we should maybe do is work up some questions for each other first and then post them as interviews or something.

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